Upholding the Vibrations of Light, Love & Laughter

A Collective Intentional Journey

Submit your details through the contact form below to receive 134 Intentions sharing wisdom from the Federation of Light, White Cloud, and Just Blossom.

When you join the Collective Intentional Journey, you (together with other inspired individuals from the Blossom Goodchild community) receive one Illumination every day for 134 consecutive days. The journey begins with Pearls-of-Wisdom from the Federation of Light, followed by the Wisdom of White Cloud, and ends with the insights of Just Blossom.  Each Illumination is a reminder of the truth within our hearts, and has been paired with a contemplative artwork inviting us into deep Feeling states of Compassion and Acceptance. The Journey offers daily support for all of us to collectively remember and uphold the vibrations of Love, Light and Laughter.

"This is your True Home."

Receive daily reminders...

...to uphold the vibrations of Love and Light.

Sign-up below

The Pearls-of-Wisdom, Wisdom of White Cloud and Just Blossom Decks are the outcome of a special collaboration between iNous and Blossom Goodchild.

All three decks are available in Print & Box form as either a Deluxe Edition or Standard Edition. You can read more details about each Edition on their respective shop pages.


Wisdom of White Cloud

Just Blossom

**Please note that these unique decks are not mass-produced, or bulk printed and sold on mainstream platforms. We have decided to offer them as a print-on-demand product using a small independent business (The Game Crafter) that caters for niche communities and supports independent creators. If you have any questions or concerns about how the print-on-demand service works, feel free to send an email with your query.**

A Compact Digital Edition of each deck is also available.

About Blossom

Blossom is a professional ‘direct voice’ channelling medium. She has been channelling the Native American Indian Spirit Energy ‘White Cloud’ for over 20 years and shares his messages of Unconditional Love by means of videos and group events.

Blossom began communicating with ‘The Federation of Light’ in 2005 and their ‘conversations’ are now world renowned.

Blossom considers it to be an absolute honour to assist White Cloud and The Federation of Light, in getting their important messages out to as many souls as possible, in order to raise the Vibration of the Planet and all who sail in her!

Read more about Blossom and her offerings on her website.

About Lanon

Lanon is a dedicated Spiritual Seeker and Creative Muse who has been painting LightCatchers since 2019 when he started receiving intuitive downloads in the form of vivid colours and dynamic patterns. Through a daily contemplative practice of sculpting light using a digital stylus and drawing tablet, he began translating these impressions into artworks to be used as sources of contemplation and illumination. LightCatchers embody the patterns of energy residing at the heart of our Existence, and in their vibrancy activate our deep Feeling states.

Read more about Lanon’s ethos.

If you need any assistance signing up for the Intentional Journey, please email samantha@inous.org.

View other Intentional Journeys

Two Affirmation Cards, one lying face down revealing a sky-blue background with white star icon, the other pairing an affirmation with activating artwork
From Hoping to Having Affirmations Original
Reflections of Life
Pair of Oracle cards showing front and back designs with artwork and text
Sacred Rhythms
From Hoping to Having Themed Journeys
Wisdom of White Cloud Intentions
A magenta circular logo with central white 'i' circumscribed by an open shape

iNous is dedicated to sharing the timeless wisdom of Artistic Minds. In collaboration with others, we offer inspirational tools and services to support Living Life Artistically.

View our Dedication Gallery in honour of Artistic Mind Illuminators.

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PRINT & BOX EDITIONS ~ view our full catalogue of card decks for dedicated self-reflection and creative musing.

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