In Honor of Artistic Minds

Welcome to our Novelty of Nous Dedication Gallery honoring a selection of diverse Artistic Minds, past and present

Each dedication in our Gallery is a Novelty of Nous, an inspirational prompt reflecting the wisdom of Artistic Mind through an intuitive pairing of visual muse and verbal mantra.

The Artistic Mind illuminators featured in our Dedication Gallery are multiversed and multidiscipinary. Not all of them are practising artists – in the common use of the word as a profession or social role. But they are all artistically minded in their approach to knowing, being and expressing.

Read Maxine Greene on Metaphors and Responsibility

The nuggets of nous curated here reflect the timeless wisdom of mystics, writers, painters, poets, philosophers, dancers, actors, activists, teachers, biologists, designers, architects, historians, shamans, sculptors, scientists, psychologists, sages and more. As free-spirited individuals, these illuminators of Artistic Mind have discovered and practised ways and means of accessing the infinite source of creative potential known as nous. Some have used reverie, contemplation and active imagination, while others have used ecstatic states, dreaming or embodied practises.

Read Eugenio Barba on theatre as an embodied know-how

We refer to them as illuminators because they have all shared their inspirational insights through an array of languages capable of handling the abstract – including poetic words, evocative images, symbolic movements, or resonant sounds.

Listen to Nora Bateson on art as a paradox of communication

If you enjoyed the Novelties of Nous in this Dedication Gallery, click on the buttons below to discover more about our other offerings.  

Subscribe to receive our collection of 1000+ Novelties of Nous as an email journey. One digital card will be delivered to your inbox daily, for as long as you choose to stay subscribed.

If you enjoy being surprised on a daily basis, are open to fluid methods of making meaning, and prefer an emergent artistic enquiry, then our Intentional Email Journeys are perfectly suited for you.

If you prefer a more methodical artistic enquiry, in a controlled time and space, then our Print & Box Editions of Novelties of Nous are most suitable.

Each Edition is purposefully curated around themes such as improvisation, curiosity, innovation, and compassion, and consists of 68 full-colour printed cards contained in a sturdy box for longevity.

A magenta circular logo with central white 'i' circumscribed by an open shape

iNous is an independent Artistic Research institute based in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. We celebrate Artistic Mind as a collective resource and offer imaginative tools to support the flourishing of artistic minds worldwide.

View our Dedication Gallery celebrating individuals who continue to illuminate the value of Artistic Mind.

Novelties of Nous is our collection of 1000+ inspirational prompts for Living Life Artistically. Each prompt pairs a vibrational artwork with inspirational wisdom to activate curiosity and invite daily creativity.

INTENTIONAL EMAIL JOURNEYS ~ receive daily inspiration for self-actualisation, self-care, journaling and creative processing.

PRINT & BOX EDITIONS ~ purchase one of our printable Legacy decks for life-long contemplation and illumination.

Peruse our free library of resources exploring the themes of Artistic Mind.

Reach out if you have a question, or would like to collaborate on a project to illuminate your Artistic Mind.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch weekly moving collages of Novelties of Nous.

© iNous. All rights reserved.