iNous Logo
An array of colourful prompt cards displayed on a white wooden table


to the infinite playing fields of Artistic Mind

Head and shoulders image of iNous founder with abstract artwork as backdrop


My name is Sam and I'm a multimedia content curator passionate about bringing words, images, music and movement into meaningful new relationships to support Living Life Artistically.
I'm also an artistic researcher and founded iNous as an independent institute dedicated to celebrating and sharing the timeless wisdom of Artistic Minds.
I work in close collaboration with the artist and creative muse, Lanon Prigge. Our shared goal is to connect with inspired individuals from around the world and then to amplify their ethos through collaborative means and via creative resources. Through our offerings, we hope to foreground curiosity, courage, creativity and compassion as keys to flourishing and finding inner peace in a tumultuous world.

**NEW!** Embark on your SoulSong Journey ~ Honour your inner Wisdom >>>

Blossom Goodchild ~ Light, Love & Laughter

Julie Poole ~ Living Your Best Life

Reflections of Life ~ Ordinary people, extraordinary wisdom

What is Artistic Mind?

Artistic Mind is an extra-ordinary state of attention in which multidimensional fields of meaning are available for our translation and expression.

Ted Falconar refers to these “infinite playing fields” as nous, a vivid wonderland in which the human mind can access patterned energies that transcend the limits of what is known through language alone. David Lynch speaks of “an ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness”, a field of potential that unfolds and grows as you enliven it with non-verbal attention. Buckminster Fuller proposes nous as “a creativity that is a priori to the integrity of the universe”. 

Other words and phrases have been used by artists, philosophers, sages and mystics to capture this seemingly infinite source of creative energy, including “the Mystery”, “the Imaginal”, “the Unknown”, the “Liminal”, the “Collective Unconscious” and “the Dream”. Implicit within all of these understandings is a recognition that there is always more to be known and experienced and illuminated than what lies within conventional systems of knowledge and language.

Our aim is to share the Mystery, approach the Liminal, encounter the Unknown, illuminate the Dream, through the creation of life-affirming resources and inspirational tools.

 Receive daily inspiration from Artistic Minds when you subscribe to our Novelties of Nous intentional journey

How do we illuminate Artistic Minds?

Hundreds of intrepid imagineers throughout time have been living demonstrations of their Artistic Mind. By choosing to Live Life Artistically, they have placed sovereign creativity balanced with collective empathy at the heart of their offerings. In so doing, they have given rise to innovative models, revolutionary theories, visionary methods, uplifting practices, and enriching ideas. Many of their creations continue to enrich our daily lives.

In this video, 30 diverse Artists from around the world share their insights on the essence of Art. Each insight is paired with an original artwork to create a collage of energy, colour, motion and emotion.

There are also many individuals alive today who draw inspiration from their Artistic Minds with the intention of offering guidance, healing, comfort and support for others.

Explorations by these curious and courageous individuals have cut-across singular disciplines to  include physicists, healers, mystics, painters, poets, biologists, writers, etymologists, psychologists, dancers, educators, philosophers, mathematicians, musicians, anthropologists, directors, theorists, and sages.

Many are multiversed, and traces of their insights can be found in written artefects such as books, articles, diaries, journals, interviews, letters, testimonials and critical reviews.

Sourcing and collecting these fractals of Artistic Mind is a central and ongoing activity of iNous. Each fractal is then intuitively paired with a visual muse to create a unique card, a powerful integration of intentional content that can be used for daily Affirmation, Intention or Illumination.

Affirmations, Intentions & Illuminations

Energizing and inspirational card decks

We collaborate with intuitive Oracle readers, inspirational film-makers, energy healers, channelers, non-fiction authors and speakers to design and deliver unique print-on-demand card decks with the intention of enriching and empowering individuals around the world.

Activating and intentional journeys

Apart from sharing the timeless wisdom of Artistic Minds through Print & Box Editions, we design and deliver Intentional Email Journeys to a focused following of subscribers who seek to place Creativity, Courage and Compassion at the heart of their daily experience.

A magenta circular logo with central white 'i' circumscribed by an open shape

iNous is an independent Artistic Research institute based in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. We celebrate Artistic Mind as a collective resource and collaborate with inspired individuals around the world to provide creative resources for Living Life Artistically.

View our Dedication Gallery celebrating those who illuminate the enriching benefits of Artistic Mind.

Novelties of Nous is our growing collection of 1000+ unique prompts sharing timeless wisdom from Artistic Minds on curiosity, creativity, imagination, attention, authenticity, compassion and joy.

INTENTIONAL EMAIL JOURNEYS ~ sign-up to receive daily wisdom for self-reflection,  self-care, journaling, or creative inspiration.

PRINT & BOX EDITIONS ~ view our full catalogue of Legacy Decks and Themed Decks

Peruse our free library of resources exploring the themes of Artistic Mind.

Reach out if you have a question, or would like to illuminate your ethos for Living Life Artistically.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for regular Novelties of Nous videos and collaboration showcases.

© iNous. All rights reserved.