Illuminators of Artistic Mind

Throughout time, countless individuals have sourced and expressed the timeless wisdom of our Artistic Mind. These illuminators have given us insight into the nature and significance of deeply human truths – truths about our relationship to beauty, the value of imagination, our ability to improvise and transform, the life-affirming role of courage and creativity, and our ultimate capacity for far-reaching compassion. This existential wisdom transcends geographical boundaries, environmental circumstance, personal affiliation or vocation, reminding us that we are all significant players connected within the greater Mystery of Life.

An artistic rendition in blue and red tones of a white female reaching out to touch a cosmic light source with copyright art by Lanon Prigge

iNous is dedicated to sharing this timeless wisdom through a diversity of ways to individuals around the world.

On this page you will find the evolving Glossary of Illuminators whose nuggets of nous are reflected in our intentional journeys and printed prompts. Please note that new names are constantly being added and existing details amended.

As artists and content creators ourselves, we are very aware of the challenges around copyright and fair use. Please read our Fair Use Policy should you have any concerns about our use of third party content. Our ultimate intention is to educate, inspire and support through our website and other offerings. Kindly contact us ( if  you observe an error in our information, or have a specific enquiry.

Artistic Mind Illuminators

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There are currently 185 names in this directory
Abraham Maslow
American psychologist and philosopher whose theories of self-actualization were deeply humanistic calling for the integration of all human desires and aspirations towards the achievement of sublime experiences.

Ai Weiwei | Collective Imagineer
A multifaceted contemporary Chinese artist who has used his large-scale installations, architectural projects, photographs, social media posts, and videos to draw attention to social injustices and challenge hegemonic ideologies.

Alan Watts | Cosmic Entertainer
A British philosopher and mystic who delighted and illuminated audiences with his existential leactures, talks and writings communicating the essence of Zen Buddhism.

Albert Einstein

Aldous Huxley

Alphonse Mucha

Anaïs Nin | Sensuous Diarist
French diarist who shared her intimate feelings and existential musings in diary entries written throughout her life - most of which would come to be shared publically and illuminate readers through their authentic insights.

Andrew Wyeth

Anna Halprin

Anna Lurchenko

Anne Lamott
An American writer who embraces the imperfections of being a human being and offers humorous insights into life, relationship and authentic expression.

Annie Albers

Anton Chekhov

Antoni Gaudí

Antony Osler

Arthur Erickson

Arthur Koestler
Hungarian-born polymath who recognized the visionary role played by the artistic mind in social evolution, and who sought ground-breaking insights by stepping across existing intellectual thresholds and boundaries.

Arthur Maslow

Arthur Rimbaud

Ashkan Honarvar

Bayo Akomolafe

Beth Hunt

Blake Plante

Blossom Goodchild
A high-spirited 'Direct Voice' channeller and author who shares intuitive insights and messages of Love, Light and Laughter through a multiplicity of platforms.

Boyzie Cekwana
South African-born embodiment practitioner using performance as a tool for social change, inviting personal and collective transformation through multidisciplinary explorations of identity and expression.

Brian Eno

Brother David Steindl-Rast

Bruce Garrabrandt
An American visual artist who uses witty and lyrical illustrations of personified pigs to entertain and enlighten.

Buckminster Fuller

Carl Jung
Swiss-Austrian psychologist who staunchly advocated the value of individuality and understood the human psyche to be far more expansive and mysterious than commonly perceived.

Carl R Rogers

Carroll Dunham

Charles Baudelaire

Charles Burchfield

Charles Faulkner

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Chogyam Trungpa

Criss Jami

Cynthia Ozick

Daniel Siedell

David Grayson

David Lynch

Dawn Langdown

Doris Humphrey

Dorit Schwartz

Dorothy Parker

Douglas Adams

E E Cummings

Eileen Agar

Elbert Hubbarb

Elen Flügge

Elie Wiesel

Ellen Langer

Ellen Parr

Emily Dickinson

Eric Maisel

Erik Exe Christoffersen

Ernest Becker

Ernest Flagg

Eugenio Barba
An Italian theatre director, author and theatre anthropologist who explores forms of devising theatre in liminal contexts, and uses performance as a tool for bridging cultural divides and exploring deeply rooted cultural hierarchies.

Francis Bacon

Frank Lloyd Wright
An American architect who viewed form and function as unified, and designed buildings in harmonious resonance with their immediate surroundings, utilizing resources and materials integral to the environment.

Frederick W H Myers

Friedrich Nietzsche

George B. Leonard
An American writer and editor whose insight into the complexities underlying social and cultural fabrics led him to propose innovative theories for understanding humanity and inviting global change.

Georgia O'Keeffe

Gertrude Stein

Greg Bennick

Gregory Bateson

Harry Owen

Helen Frankenthaler

Helen Keller

Henri David Thoreau

Henri Facillon

Henri Matisse

Herbert E Read
British philosopher, critic and writer with a deep understanding of the nature of the artist in contemporary society, and who celebrated the artist's role as integral to the health of a flourishing culture.

Herman Hesse

Hetti Perkins

Iain McGilchrist

Isadora Duncan
Free-spirited dancer and choreographer who followed the organic impulses of the human body in alignment with the rhythms and cycles of nature, and to elevate Dance as a form of authentic soulful expression.

J Krishnamurti

James Cairns

James Hillman

Jeanette Winterson

Jenny Odell

Jerzi Grotowski

Jill Badonsky

Joel Spring

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

John Cage
A light-spirited American composer whose sound creation was informed by Zen principles of non-duality and non-linearity, and who invited chance enounters and improvisational strategies into his sound designs.

John Dewey

Jorge Luis Borges

Josef Albers
A German-born visual artist and educator who placed the immediacy of colour at the centre of his artistic explorations and teachings.

Joseph Campbell

Joseph Conrad

Julia Cameron

Julian Klein

Julyan Davis

Kate Bush

Katherine Paterson

Ken Turner

Konrad Fiedler

Lanon Prigge

Laura Huxley

Lawrence Durrell

Laxmi Prasad Devkota

Léon Bloy

Leonard Bernstein
An American composer who embraced art's capacity to unite people, spread harmony and goodwill, and bring about social change through personal transformation.

Leonard Cohen

Lesley Sutton

Lewis Thomas
American physician, poet, etymologist, essayist and researcher who recognized the beauty of life through studying organic patterns and organisms, and was able to effectively communicate scientific concepts through his lyrical writing.

Louise Bourgeois

Lyall Watson
A South African polymath, adventurer and author who sought to ground supernatural phenomena within the natural dynamics of biological interactions, and celebrated the Mystery at the heart of Life.

M C Escher

Marcel Proust

Margaret Atwood

Margot Fonteyn

Marilyn Ferguson

Marina Abramović
A Serbian conceptual and performance artist who has used collective performative environments to access deeply personal levels of stamina, endurance and tolerance thereby inviting the possibility for revelation and transformation in audience members.

Mark Rothko

Mark Twain

Marvin Minsky

Mary Oliver

Massimiliano Gioni

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Maxine Greene

Maya Angelou

Maya Kulenovic

Maya Lin

Meredith Monk
A trailblazing multimodal artist who has used sound as an integral component in her diverse practises and performances, and become a role-model for many in her dogged pursuit of authentic expression.

Méret Oppenheim

Michael Mead

Michael Talbot

Mies van der Rohe

Neil Gaiman

Nicolas Galanin

Nora Bateson

Oliver Lee Jackson

Oscar Wilde

Indian philosopher and mystic who acknowledged creative rapture as a state of awareness, presence and receptivity available to all, and espoused sovereignty and authentic expression as the most direct path to spiritual enlightenment.

Otto Rank

Owen Barfield

Pablo Picasso

Patrick Swift

Paul Valéry

Percy Walker

Poklong Anading

Rafel Bestard

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Raoul Hausmann

Ray Bradbury | Champion Imagineer
American writer with the capacity to expand horizons and delve into the mysterious with the creation of far-out characters and exotic locations.

René Magritte

Richard Artschwager

Richard T Scott

Robert Bly

Robert Fulghum

Robert Henri

Robert Pinsky

Rogan Brown

Rupert Spira

Ryan Gattis

S J Norman

Sami Maseko

Sara Morsey

Sarah Bernhardt

Sarah Morsey

Seamus Heaney


Søren Kierkegaard

Susan Vreeland

T X Huxley

Ted Falconar
A British philosopher and mystic who proposed 'nous' as the ultimate wisdom capable of transporting the ordinary mind into states of heightened attention, creativity and interconnectedness.

Thomas Merton

Tom Robbins

Ursula Le Guin

Veda Austin

Virginia Woolf

Walt Whitman

Walter Horatio Peter

Wendell Berry

William Faulkner

William Irwin Thompson
An American social philosopher, cultural critic, and poet often referred to as the 'jazz mythologist', who recognized the integral role played by unconscious aspects of the human mind in sense-making through stories and symbols.

William Kentridge

William Rowlandson

Yvette Kaiser Smith
A magenta circular logo with central white 'i' circumscribed by an open shape

iNous is an independent Artistic Research institute based in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. We celebrate Artistic Mind as a collective resource and offer imaginative tools to support the flourishing of artistic minds worldwide.

View our Dedication Gallery celebrating individuals who continue to illuminate the value of Artistic Mind.

Novelties of Nous is our collection of 1000+ inspirational prompts for Living Life Artistically. Each prompt pairs a vibrational artwork with inspirational wisdom to activate curiosity and invite daily creativity.

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